Home relationship 10 Signs He ᴘʀᴇᴛᴇɴᴅs to Love You, But He Really Does Not

10 Signs He ᴘʀᴇᴛᴇɴᴅs to Love You, But He Really Does Not

10 Signs He ᴘʀᴇᴛᴇɴᴅs to Love You, But He Really Does Not

1. You feel unhappy most of the time

If you constantly feel sad and low on energy because of the way he treats you. When he makes you feel worried, anxious, and upset, it may be the perfect time to reconsider your relationship. You may not feel loved. Be honest with yourself.

2. You don’t feel respected

When a guy is using you, he doesn’t bother to show any signs of respect. Instead, he treats you less than you deserve. And there’s more! When your partner doesn’t love you, he doesn’t care about the people you love either. He acts as if everything you care about isn’t worth his time.

3. You Never See Him By Your Side When You Need Him

If you find yourself having a hard time alone while he’s out having fun, that’s also one of the signs that he pretends to love you.

If he truly cared about you, he wouldn’t leave your side until he was sure you were okay. He would do his best to make your pain more bearable.

4. You constantly feel disappointed by his actions

If he never seems to live up to your expectations, or if he never shows up, you may not be enjoying your relationship. If you feel constantly disappointed in his actions, you should consider the fact that he is using you.

5. You feel like you’re moving in different directions

If a man is intimate with you but won’t commit to you, it may be because he is using you. When someone loves you, he does his best to meet your standards. He is interested in traveling the same path as you. A man who truly loves you with all sincerity will never leave you hanging or trying to figure everything out on his own.

6. Notice that he dismisses deep conversations

Fear conversations about things that matter, like when you’re going to meet his family. He may try to brush you off with excuses like “I’m too busy” or “I need some time alone,” but the truth is that he’s simply not interested in what you have to say. He avoids deep conversations because he’s not interested in anything serious with you.

7. Catch him with numerous lies

When he prefers to lie or hide the truth, he may not have good intentions with you. He may have convincing excuses at first, like “I don’t want to hurt you so I won’t say anything.” The reality is that he doesn’t love you.

8. He hides you from his family and friends.

This is one of the biggest red flags in a relationship. When he is not ready to show you to the world, he is pretending to love you. He will act vague and awkward with you in public. But he is all passionate when you are both alone or not seen in public. This is the sign to end the relationship with him, because he is not worthy of your love.

9. You feel as if he manipulates you all the time

This means that one day he will act like the best boyfriend you ever had, and the next day, he will be a jerk and hurt your feelings. And this bond will go on endlessly. He might actually apologize and promise that this will never happen again. But once again, this bad behavior will resume, and he will continue to manipulate you.

10. Notice that his feelings are not something he cares about

When your partner is not truly interested in you, he will ignore your feelings. Therefore, if he is careless and doesn’t care how his actions affect you, he will most likely pretend to love you.

Source:herway.net, justjamila.com, marriage.com, bonobology.com