Home Health 10 things you should do to protect yourself from cellphone radiation

10 things you should do to protect yourself from cellphone radiation

10 things you should do to protect yourself from cellphone radiation

1. Use speakerphone mode or wired earphones

Use the speakerphone mode or wired earphones when making calls. By doing so, you can keep the phone at a distance from your head and body, reducing the intensity of RF radiation you receive. Remember that the radiation exposure decreases significantly with distance, so even a few inches can make a difference.

2. Text instead of calling

Here’s an effective way to minimize radiation exposure. Texting allows you to hold the phone further away from your body, and since it requires less signal strength to send a text than to make a call, the phone emits lower levels of radiation during this activity.

3. Avoid using your phone in low signal areas

At this time, your cellphone works harder to maintain a connection, which can result in higher radiation emissions. It is best to avoid making calls or using data in areas with poor reception, such as in elevators, basements, and remote locations. Instead, wait until you have a strong signal to use your phone.

4. Limit phone usage during high-speed travel

While switching between cell towers during high-speed travel, such as in a car or train, cellphones emit more radiation. To reduce exposure, try to limit phone usage during these times and instead enjoy the scenery or engage in other activities.

5. Use airplane mode

This mode disables all wireless communication functions, including cellular, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi. This means that the phone is not emitting any radiation while in this mode. Use airplane mode when you don’t need to be connected, such as during sleep or while attending a meeting.

6. Keep your phone away from your body

When you carry your phone in your pocket or bra, this can result in close contact with your body. Instead, use a bag, purse, or phone holster to carry your phone, and place it on a table or desk when not in use.

7. Purchase a low Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) phone

That value indicates the amount of RF radiation absorbed by the human body from a cellphone. When purchasing a new phone, consider choosing one with a lower SAR value, as this means it emits less radiation. SAR values for cellphones are usually available on the manufacturer’s website or in the user manual.

8. Use an EMF-shielding case

Some phone cases are designed in order to reduce the amount of RF radiation emitted by the device. While these cases may not block all radiation, they can help minimize exposure. Be sure to research and choose a reputable brand that has been independently tested for effectiveness.

9. Limit children’s phone use

Children’s developing bodies may be more vulnerable to the effects of radiation. It is advisable to limit their phone usage and encourage other forms of communication and entertainment. Teach children to use speakerphone mode or wired earphones during calls and to keep the phone at a distance from their bodies whenever possible.

10. Stay informed about research and recommendations

You should stay informed about the latest findings and recommendations from credible sources. Organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) provide updates and guidelines related to RF radiation safety.