Home relationship 20 Things You Shouldn’t Put Up With In A Relationship

20 Things You Shouldn’t Put Up With In A Relationship

20 Things You Shouldn’t Put Up With In A Relationship

Love really can be blind sometimes . We don’t always see the downsides of a relationship. In many cases, we deliberately pretend not to notice the things that worry us. For one reason or another, we put up with behavior that we shouldn’t tolerate.

What are the things you shouldn’t put up with in your relationships? Here are 20 of them.

1. Controlling behavior on the part of your partner.

2. Humiliation, overt or covert.

3. Emotional or verbal abuse.

4. Physical hαrαssmєnt.

5. Your partner makes you feel bad when you don’t feel like having sєх.

6. You don’t feel good in your partner’s presence.

7. Isolation by your partner. It does not include you in its daily activities, but keeps you away always.

8. Your partner insists that you change. Constantly criticizes your behavior and thoughts.

9. You experience physical reactions to your partner’s behavior. Your body isn’t lying to you. It tells you something is wrong.

10. Your partner belittles your experiences, your passions, your successes.

11. Your partner constantly judges you.

12. He ignores your sєхual needs and boundaries.

13. Does not respect your personal space, including intimate and emotional.

14. Shows public disrespect for you and your relationship.

15. Your partner always accuses you of cheating at the slightest problem.

16. Constantly interrupting you, talking over you, not listening to you.

17. He insults you.

18. Neglects your career successes. It demeans your achievements.

19. Never take responsibility for anything.

20. He knows very well that he is hurting you, but he continues his behavior.