Home Tricks-Tips 3 Juice Colon Cleanse: How Apple, Ginger & Lemon Can Flush Pounds...

3 Juice Colon Cleanse: How Apple, Ginger & Lemon Can Flush Pounds of Toxins To Your Body

Maybe you didn’t know, when you sleep your body burns calories? 

It’s like a stationary car, but the engine keeps running. Your heart continues to beat. Your mind is active. You breathe, your lungs work. And the more sleep you sleep, the better for your body! The ideal is to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. It enables your body to fully recover from its day.

The good news is that you can better your body’s metabolism at night and burn more calories when you sleep. How to do? Just replace dinner with apple cider vinegar and a lemonade. Thanks to this grandmother’s recipe, the fat begins to melt as soon as it begins to fall asleep.


° a glass of water
° Two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
° 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
° 1 teaspoon cinnamon
° 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar
° 1 tablespoon honey

* How to do

1. Mix all ingredients together.

2. Drink this medicine one hour before going to bed without having dinner at night.

The result and now, thanks to this magical potion, you will lose weight quickly every night 🙂 Obviously, for it to work, it is necessary to replace dinner with this potion! Otherwise, results may take longer if you continue to eat normally in the evening. This grandmother’s tip is not only effective, but it’s also great for your body.

Enjoy !