4 Good Reasons Behind Why Men Blames A Woman For Breakup

Men really start to change when they are in a relationship. Some boys become completely responsible and descendants of gentlemen. They try to be as good as possible with their daughter. Everything goes well, until he starts to get bored of some things his daughter does. These are little skinny things that a girl may not be aware of. She may have no idea which of her actions is hurting her son and pushing him away. When things get out of hand, the relationship breaks down and the boys blame the girl for it.
Here are the reasons why men accuse a woman of a breakup
Drama performed by the woman
Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. This is true because both genders have an opposite personality. Men tend to be reasonable in their expressions of emotion, while women have a melodramatic character. Men try to deal with it until too much is done and they cannot resist reacting to little things.
When she often complains about her Ex
Women always complaining about men regarding their ex is another reason to break up.
Sleep through the problem.”
Ignoring the issues and avoiding discussions will only build up stress on the partners. The couple should talk and try to talk about the problem instead of blaming each other and making the situation uncomfortable for both.
Perfection game
Women don’t know what commitment means. Girls are always looking for perfection, they are looking for heroic looks, nature like an angel and money in one guy. Men don’t like this aspect of women and blame them for the breakup.
Source: ng.opera.news