Home Health 6 clear signs your liver is full of toxins and making you...

6 clear signs your liver is full of toxins and making you fat

The organ in our body that is responsible for destroying the toxins is the liver. It plays an important part in our body. It is also really important with the kind of lifestyle we are living nowadays and all the toxins we are surrounded by.

Thus, if there is a problem with it, the toxins gather and result in fat cells in the stomach area.


Fatty liver disease is caused by an excess of fat in the liver. The liver is a naturally fatty organ, so there should be some fat in the liver at all times. But when the fat in the liver counts for more than 5% to 10% of the total weight of the liver, fatty liver disease results.

There are two types of fatty liver disease: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease. Alcoholic liver disease is the result of overindulgence in alcoholic beverages while the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the result of non-alcoholic factors, like high cholesterol or genetics. The following symptoms may indicate a liver in need of detoxification. Let’s take a look

Signs that Point that Your Liver Needs Cleansing

If the organ functions as it should, it releases antibodies to destroy allergens. If it is not in good shape, the body stores the allergens and the brain starts producing histamine which causes itches, headaches, etc.

Chronic Fatigue

Toxins also cause muscle pain and fatigue which can lead to mood swings and depression.

Excess Sweating

If the liver is overlooked, its function will reduce and it will become too hot. Then, the heat will go through the body and there will be excessive sweating.

Sudden Weight Gain

If the liver is not getting rid of the toxins as it should, everything you do to keep the body fit will not help. This is because the fat is stored inside and the unfiltered toxins remain there as well. Thus, when the liver does not filter the toxins as it should, all of the fat that is circulating comes right back in it.

Appearance of Acne

If the organ malfunctions, hormonal imbalances can happen and these cause acne. If the acne problems are caused by the liver, they cannot be treated externally and you will need proper treatment.

Bad Breath

If you take care of your oral hygiene and you still see that the breath is bad, it might be a liver problem and you need to go to the doctor’s.


Fatty liver disease can be reversed and eased with a proper diet. These two recipes are delicious and nutritious ways to reverse the effects of a fatty liver. Foods like dandelion root, bananas, sweet potatoes, liver, and ginger root can all help ease and reverse the effects of a fatty liver disease.

Make a breakfast smoothie with bananas, ginger and dandelion root to combat the effects of this disease.
Chop one banana and blend with one cup of Greek yogurt, crushed ginger root, two tablespoons peanut butter and one teaspoon of dandelion root. Blend and serve immediately. Mix and match your favorite ingredients and incorporate into your diet one-to-two times a day.

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Sources: americafolks.com, kitchmenow.com