6 Types Of Dreams You Should Not Joke With

A dream can be images, thoughts, or sensations that people experience when they sleep. It can be some fantasy or nightmares, depending on the type of dreams. Some are very joyful and make you happy, others can be so horrified and even frightened.Dreams
Some people have the gift of interpreting dreams. Others, since they dream or see the vision when they sleep, there is a good chance that such a dream will come true.
Here are 6 Dreams that you should never play with. When you ever have such dreams or vision, please pray about them.
1. Communicating or seeing a dead friend or relatives in your dreams:
It may seem amusing to you because you may be happy that you still have access to communicate with the dead, be it your friends, mother, father, etc. Pray against it. Having communication with a dead person is not a good thing. So, if you are someone who always sees dead people in your dreams or communicates with them, you need to pray against that and break that chain of communication.
2. You are being chased in a dream or being bitten by an aggressive animal or insects.
Being attacked in a dream by an animal, insects or humans in a dream is really a nightmare and sounds like a horror, many people who experience these dreams wake up scared. If you always have this kind of vision or dreams, it would be best to pray about them or find a man of God for a deliverance. Many people have such dreams and after they wake up they start having one problem or another.
Sometimes dreams are not supposed to be jokes. There is a good chance that some dreams are more spiritual, so there is no need to joke about some kind of dreams.
3. Visiting Cemeteries.
This is not a good dream, and it makes no sense for someone who is alive or still alive to see themselves in a cemetery when they dream.
It is never a good sign, and means that there is a spirit of death following you around. Visiting a graveyard is always in your dream, it is something you should never joke about or see as just a dream. You need to pray against every spirit of death in your life.
4. To see your self in control or in a prison in your dream.
It means that you do not have access to freedom, and there is something wrong in such a dream. To see yourself handcuffed or in prison is not a good dream. Even in our physical world, it is not a good sign that you are not given freedom to things you like, you are being oppressed by spiritual forces. If you have these dreams when you are sleeping better, pray against them and break all the bandages or spiritual forces that don’t want you free.
5. Naked in public
Seeing yourself naked in public or in a dream is not a good thing. It symbolizes not being able to find yourself uncertain or with a high chance of being wrongly accused.
Naked in public again can be a spirit of madness, so you have to pray against it if you always have such dreams. Never play with it or see it as if it were a dream.
6. Not prepared for an exam.
You find yourself in a dream writing exam and come out with a bad result. Such dreams can be so real that you may think you are just physically walking out of an exam room. Mostly young people experience such dreams, it means that you lack experience or confidence to move to the next phase of life, and such a dream is not good and never play with it, pray against any failure or forces that do not want you to move to the next phase of your life.