Home relationship 8 Clear Signs His Love Is Half-Hearted And You’re Just Convenient

8 Clear Signs His Love Is Half-Hearted And You’re Just Convenient

8 Clear Signs His Love Is Half-Hearted And You’re Just Convenient

1. He treats you like an option, not a priority.

You’re rarely a part of his plan. He chooses to spend his time with his friends and relatives. If he already has other plans, he’s not going to change them for you, so you probably shouldn’t even bother asking. If he treats you like an option, and run and never come back because you’re just convenient.

2. He never opens up about anything

All your conversations are superficial and he never says anything that is really important. He still has no need to open up about his emotions, troubles, or his life. He don’t talk about his life expectations, dreams, goals, secrets, fears, and deepest emotions with you.

3. It’s all about him.

He’s making all the decisions and doesn’t include you, then he’s not considering your feelings. He doesn’t care about your needs and wants. He is willing to compromise and acts kind when he needs a favor from you. This is an enormous sign that you’re not a priority to him and that you’re just a convenience.

4. He is always ‘busy’

He never has enough time for you but you can clearly see that he finds time for everything else that interests him.The truth is, the one who cares will make time for you even if he has none. He is always ‘busy’ He is simply lacking interest and making you his second choice till someone else comes along.

5. You are afraid he might walk away at any point.

You should never feel you’re walking on eggshells with your significant other. If you’re afraid of their reaction to things, it’s a sign that they are not stable and you should move on. When you’re with someone, you’re supposed to feel safe, not anxious.

6. He is not emotionally connected with you.

True love means a real emotional connectedness and open conversation. So, if he is not open with you, doesn’t share his problems, and demonstrates any closeness, it is for sure a red flag you are his girlfriend of convenience.

7. He lacks effort

You are the one giving your everything while he doesn’t give anything back, and it shouldn’t be like that. A man who cares and considers you a priority will show up, make plans and give back everything he receives and maybe even more. If there is no reciprocity, you are in a one-sided relationship and you are being treated like an option.

8. He is more interested in lovemaking than in loving you

If a relationship lacks love, emotional involvement and support, he is just using you to relieve his needs. That’s not the kind of guy who stays or the kind of guy you really need. He is just using you as his backup plan.