Home Health 8 Ways to confess love over text without saying ‘I Love You’

8 Ways to confess love over text without saying ‘I Love You’

8 Ways to confess love over text without saying ‘I Love You’

1. Flirt

Flirting is the first step to showing someone that you like them. Healthy flirting goes a long way. Make them feel good and appreciated by complimenting them often and show them how much you like them by dropping subtle hints.

2. Reciprocate

It’s all reciprocal energy, efforts and feelings. Unreciprocated feelings are wasted energy, so make sure you are reciprocating whatever they are saying. This will show them that you are equally interested and that your feelings are genuine.

3. Sharing music

Sharing music is a kind of love language in the modern dating world. By sending them a song or dedicating a song to them, they will think of you in a different light. It also shows that you are making an effort to show them that you are interested in them.

4. Use GIFS and emojis

We often step back to express love through words. Words sometimes don’t justify our emotions and feelings, in which case you can use emojis or gifs to convey your love and how much you adore them.

5. Give quick answers

Quick answers are always a turn-on for anyone. Giving quick responses shows that you are eager to talk to them and that you are interested with intentions of dating them.

6. Tell them about your favorite restaurant

Try sneaking in a conversation about their favorite cuisine or their favorite restaurant. Drop hints by indirectly telling them to take you out to dinner or order something from their favorite cuisine and enjoy a date night at home.

7. Give them a nickname

Add a cute little term for your partner. You can save their name for something that only you will refer to like bae, baby, or give them a nickname that only you can call them. This will add a personal touch to your relationship.

8. Share your secrets with them

This will build trust between the two of you. By telling someone about your past, your secrets, or sharing your personal concerns, it gives them insight into your personal life and brings them closer to you. They will take the hint that they are certainly interested in you.
