9 Things men notice first about women

Have you ever wondered about the things that guys notice first about girls? Well, ladies, men are not that hard to understand since they are really simple, so it can be easy to figure out the things that guys notice first by carefully observing them every time they meet a woman. Here are some interesting and even surprising things that men notice first about women.
1. Smile
A beautiful smile is one of the things that most men notice first in a woman. A smiling woman is considered much more attractive and approachable. She sends the signal of happiness and optimism. Thus, it is much easier to start a conversation with a smiling woman. I know this is not so surprising, since everyone likes to look at a person with a beautiful smile. But men always feel confident and more masculine with a smiling woman. Besides, a smile is a very contagious thing: when you smile at someone, it provokes a smile in return.
2. Eyes
Another common thing men notice first about a woman is her eyes. I’m sure you’ve heard that the eyes are the windows to your soul. They can tell you a lot about a person. It can be easy to find out if someone is lying to you or simply telling you the truth. The eyes are true magnets that can attract and interest a stranger. It is always easier for men to compliment a woman’s eyes, since women respond very approvingly to compliments about their eyes than about other body parts.
3. Hair
Of course, men notice a woman’s beautiful and healthy hair. Trust me, all those hours spent in the hairdresser’s chair are not in vain. Most men think that sleek, healthy, shiny and lustrous hair is a sign of health and youth. Also, you have to know that most men like to be with a woman with natural, soft hair that also smells good.
4. Weight
Weight is one of the things that most men notice in women. It may seem shallow, but it really makes sense. You may have heard that men prefer women with curves, but you still catch appraising looks at thighs and legs. These looks can make you doubt your beauty. But, he’s not judging you, he’s just noticing.
5. Chest
You may think that the chest is the first thing men notice when they meet a woman. But, you are wrong; men are not as superficial as many women think. Countless polls and surveys have shown that men only notice a woman’s breasts after her smile and eyes. Breasts are generally regarded as a sign of youth and fertility, and is one of the reasons why most men pay attention to a woman’s breasts.
6. How fake it is
Men also notice how fake women are. If you have fake eyelashes and fake fingernails, he will definitely notice that. For most men, fake means high maintenance and big expenses. While fake eyelashes may attract his eye, he won’t like them. If you want to get the guy you like, make sure you have a natural look. Learn how to hide your drawbacks and show off your beauty without looking like a doll.
7. Legs
Most men love thin legs and this is another thing they notice in women. In the summer, legs are one of the biggest attractions a woman possesses. Calves are another thing that men love about our legs. They love the way our legs look in skirts and shorts. They love the way we cross our legs and they love to admire our knees. Despite the widely held stereotype about skinny girls, men really love strong hips! They give a sign of their fertility and femininity.
8. Skin
Most men also pay attention to how a woman’s skin looks. Numerous surveys have shown that a man sees a good complexion as a sure sign of health. Most men think that a woman with a healthy complexion is healthy and can produce healthy offspring.
9. Style of dress
It’s probably a surprising thing, but most men notice a woman’s dress style. A recent study found that most men prefer a classy dresser to a woman who shows too much of her skin. Men love some mystery about women, but a half naked body reveals all the secrets. A great sense of style can tell a lot about you, keep it in mind! Your perfume and your makeup tell your taste. Your clothes show your confidence and attitude towards life. Don’t think that men are not aware of fashion and trends. They notice everything. If necessary, improve your sense of style to look and feel more confident.