Home Tricks-Tips How to grow an apple tree starting from a seed, and obtain...

How to grow an apple tree starting from a seed, and obtain a plant full of fruit

As a rewarding process, growing an apple sapling from seed requires time, attention and patience. If you want to enjoy the fruits of your labor and watch an apple tree grow from scratch, follow these essential steps.

Below the method we suggest is accessible to everyone, even those who don’t have a green thumb.

Step 1: Seed selection and preparation

Collecting Seeds : Collect seeds from a good quality ripe apple. Extract them carefully and clean them from pulp residues.

Drying the Seeds : Leave the seeds to air dry for a few days. Make sure they are completely dry before proceeding.

Step 2: Layering

Cold Stratification : Apple seeds require a period of cold stratification to break dormancy and promote germination. Place the seeds in a plastic bag with a little moist potting soil and place it in the refrigerator for about 2-3 months.

Step 3: germination

Soil Preparation : Fill small pots or cups with well-draining, nutrient-rich potting soil.
Planting seeds : Place 2-3 seeds per pot, about 1cm deep into the soil.
Watering : Water the soil lightly after planting and cover the pots with clear wrap to create a moist environment.
Location and light : Place the pots in a warm, bright place, but avoid direct sunlight. Keep the temperature around 18-24°C.

Step 4: Growing and transplanting

Choose the strongest shoots : When the first shoots appear, let only the strongest shoot grow in each pot and remove the others.
Transplanting into larger pots : When the seedling reaches a sufficient size, transplant it into larger pots or directly into the garden, if conditions are favorable.
Proper Care : Make sure you provide the plant with sufficient water, sunlight and balanced fertilizer. Protect the plant from bad weather and diseases.

Step 5: Transfer to the garden

Choosing a Location : Choose a sunny, well-drained location in your garden to plant your apple sapling.
Soil preparation : Prepare the soil by adding compost or well-rotted manure to enrich it with nutrients.
Planting the sapling : Make a hole in the ground large enough to accommodate the plant’s roots, then gently plant the sapling making sure it is upright.
Watering and care : Water thoroughly after transplanting and be sure to keep it well hydrated in the first few months. Provide adequate support with poles if necessary.

Step 6: Maintenance and growth

Pruning : Practice regular pruning to encourage growth and the formation of a robust structure. Remove dead or damaged branches.
Fertilization : Provide balanced fertilizers to promote healthy growth of the tree.
Disease and Pest Control : Inspect the tree regularly for any signs of disease or pests and treat them accordingly.

With patience and dedication, you will watch your apple tree grow and thrive, and soon you will be able to enjoy the delicious fruit it produces. Good luck in your growing adventure.