Home Tricks-Tips Double the Size of Your Garlic Heads with This Simple Trick

Double the Size of Your Garlic Heads with This Simple Trick


People passionate about gardening are constantly exploring methods to improve their yield. An interesting inquiry revolves around the potential impact of the size of a garlic clove on the resulting size of the garlic head. A recent experiment has delved into this matter, uncovering compelling insights that can be advantageous for gardeners.

The Experiment Setup

The experiment started in fall, with a simple hypothesis: larger garlic cloves might yield bigger garlic heads. To test this, two groups of garlic cloves were selected – the 10 largest and the 10 smallest from a batch.

The cloves were planted in distinct rows, yet they were subjected to uniform conditions, including identical planting depth, spacing, and soil enrichment through the addition of worm castings. Throughout the winter season, a protective layer of leaf mulch was applied to cover the beds.

Springtime Cultivation

As spring arrived, the leaf mulch was taken away, and the garlic plants received a specialized superfood mix along with a layer of compost mulch. This process was designed to enhance the nutritional content and microbial activity in the soil, creating a balanced environment for both groups of garlic.

Harvest and Results

The critical moment arrived during the harvest. It became evident that the smaller cloves resulted in noticeably smaller garlic heads when compared to their larger counterparts. In contrast, the larger cloves produced impressively large garlic heads, with some significantly surpassing the average size found in the garden.

To quantify the results, the garlic heads were weighed after a 2 weeks drying period. The batch cultivated from smaller cloves resulted in a yield that was significantly outweighed by the larger cloves, with the latter producing garlic heads that were double in weight. This substantial difference highlighted the impact of clove size on the final harvest.

The findings are clear: planting larger garlic cloves can significantly increase the yield and size of garlic heads. For gardeners looking to maximize their garlic harvest, selecting the biggest cloves for planting is a simple yet effective strategy.

Tips for Gardeners

Selection of Cloves: When preparing for planting, choose the largest cloves from your garlic bulbs.

Soil Preparation: Enrich the soil with organic matter like worm castings and compost.

Regular Nutrition: Use a balanced fertilizer or superfood mix during the growing season to ensure optimal growth.

This experiment sheds light on a straightforward yet impactful gardening technique. By choosing larger garlic cloves, gardeners can potentially double the size of their garlic harvest. It’s a small change with big results, making it an exciting prospect for the upcoming planting season.

Source: sharingideas.me