Home relationship What Are the Most Jealous Signs in the Zodiac?

What Are the Most Jealous Signs in the Zodiac?

Certain signs experience envy on a regular basis in love, friendships, and at work. So, in astrology, who is the most prone to lose their cool? We will walk you through all you need to know. Continue reading to find out which zodiac signs are the most jealous.

Top #1: Cancer

Source: wikiHow

A slight snub might elicit intense envy in this ultra-sensitive sign.

Cancer regards themselves as the ideal partner and friend a person could ask for. They are genuinely committed to those they care about. So if you turn to someone else for affection and support, Cancer will take this personally. Then they’ll begin to overthink: Why didn’t they come to me for help? Jealousy is certain to follow!

  • To keep Cancer at ease, use caution when speaking. Cancer may interpret “a great listener” as “a way better listener than you.”
  • Fortunately, apologies go well with this water sign. If Cancer is jealous, apologize. Then, to sweeten the bargain, offer a few compliments.
  • When Cancer is in hurting, they are more prone to be passive aggressive; if they remain silent, ask them directly what is bothering them.

Top #2: Leo

Source: wikiHow

Leo prefers to be #1; if someone takes the top slot, jealously will ensue.

This fire sign intends to be in the spotlight both day and night. In love, friendships, and even at business, Leo is all about being adored and stealing the spotlight. When someone steals their thunder, the green-eyed monster will undoubtedly rear its head. This undoubtedly makes them one among the most envious signs in the zodiac!

  • If Leo is jealous, they will retaliate, but only by attempting to shift the spotlight back to themselves.
  • If Leo is talking about themselves and seeking attention (more than normal), it’s a good indication that they’re envious.
  • Even though this is one of the most envious signs, Leo is unlikely to become furious or ᴠᴇɴɢᴇғᴜʟ—so simply wait for their envy to subside.

Top #3: Scorpio

Source: wikiHow

Scorpio desires power and passion, thus if someone possesses more abilities than them, Scorpio will feel threatened.

If their partner has wandering eyes, Scorpio will feel as if their connection has lost depth. When a Scorpio becomes envious, they are less likely to “rising above” it and are more prone to get even.

  • If you’re dating a water sign, avoid mentioning your ex. Scorpio will be unable to contain their envy!
  • If you work with a Scorpio, treat them like a friend, not a foe. Make it apparent that your successes are also theirs, and you’ll prevent their jealousy.
  • A jealous Scorpio may avoid you…However, they are more likely to fight fire with fire. If you see a Scorpio playing a game, attempt to beat them.

Top #4: Virgo

Source: wikiHow

Virgo is self-critical, therefore if someone outperforms them, they will detest it.

For this Earth sign, life is all about being the best version of oneself. If a Virgo sees someone else with qualities or achievements that they aspire to, they will undoubtedly be jealous. Virgo is unquestionably one of the most envious signs in the zodiac, both at job and in everyday life.

  • Virgos can be harsh at times; if they are jealous, they may say something they do not mean.
  • You can’t escape Virgo envy (unless you pretend you’re horrible at everything!) However, they usually cool off on their own.
  • On the other side, a Virgo in love is rarely envious. They’re more inclined to walk out of an unappreciative partner than to get riled up.

Top #5: Taurus

Source: wikiHow

Taurus seeks luxury and love, which can cause intense jealously.

Taurus, who is possessive and dedicated, will be irritated if their spouse expresses interest in someone else. And in life, Taurus will be envious of anyone who gets what they truly desire—a magnificent kitchen, a hot tub, satin linens, you name it. They are undoubtedly one of the most envious signs in the zodiac.

  • A Taurus values huge commitments in love—if they’re ready to go serious and you’re still playing the field, they’ll be envious.
  • They are unlikely to continue dating someone who makes them envy, regardless of the circumstances.
  • If you’re wondering if a Taurus is jealous of your possessions, remember that they won’t lash out. They would be more likely to imitate your style!

Top #6: Aries

Source: wikiHow

Aries is impetuous and hot-headed, so envy can flare up in an instant.

This fire sign is quick to anger and quite competitive—if they believe someone is endangering their relationship, work, or friendships, they may experience a severe bout of jealously. However, Aries’ temper does not always last long, and they are likely to cool off just as fast.

  • If an Aries gets jealous, they will tell you exactly how they feel (and may even use a choice word or two), so you won’t have to speculate.
  • Fortunately, an angry Aries is usually rather easy to calm down. Simply give them room, apologize, and explain yourself. Everyone will be forgiven!
  • Making Aries jealous in love will result in one of two situations. It will either inspire them to put more effort into your relationship or make them want to bolt.