A breastfeeding mother was called ‘gross’ and told to feed her children in the toilet. Should she be criticized?
Yvonne is a mum from Singapore of gorgeous 20 month old twin girls who she is continuing to breastfeed.
Recently, while she was having breakfast at Toast Box at MBS, her little girls needed their morning milk. So like any breastfeeding mum would do, she proceeded to nurse them.

While the little girls were feeding, three young women — probably in their late teens to early 20s — who were sitting near Yvonne started to point at her and whisper.
Yvonne then tells that one of them walked up to her and said, “Can you stop it? It’s very gross. What you are doing makes me feel like throwing up!”
When Yvonne suggested the girl change her seat, this person replied, “It’s not just me. The whole restaurant can see you and everyone is grossed out. Can’t you go to the toilet?”
In response, Yvonne told the young woman that she could have her meal in the toilet if she didn’t want to see her little girls breastfeeding, to which the girl complained to a staff member, and told him to chase Yvonne and her babies away.
The staff member just looked at Yvonne, nodded at her and walked away. By this time, Yvonne’s husband had returned with her meal and her little girls had stopped nursing.
But Yvonne says throughout their time there the three young women would not stop talking about how “gross” and “revolting” they thought she was.
Source: TheAsianparent