Divorced couples reveal: 21 things that if they had done they would still be married

For many people a marriage is a dream come true, but for others it has led to great disappointment. Today we are here to talk about marriage from the perspective of those who have loved and been disappointed.
We have collected 21 things, which if implemented, divorced people have said that would have saved their marriage.
On the face of it, this is a sad subject, but the wisdom is to take the things and apply them to our relationship, whether in marriage or not.
Many of these things serve as a reminder that love is in the small details.
1. There is no guarantee that your marriage will be as good as your vows. It all depends on how much you invest each day.
2. The root of love must be deep from the beginning. If love is based on attraction or superficial, love will die.
There will be frustrating parts in your marriage, but enough love to be patient and get through the hard times and flourish in the good ones.
4. The grass is not always greener. Even if it looks plentiful, you don’t know the quality of the soil.
5. It is much more than a ring. Can you imagine growing old or sick with this person?
6. It is better to relax alone than to throw harsh words into a fight
7. You both need to take turns navigating the ship
8. If your spouse is taking a step back and doesn’t want to talk, you may have to wait until they do. Patiently.
9. Marriage is not always exciting. Finding pleasure in everyday things will help you a lot.
10. A good marriage means getting your hands a little dirty. Daily participation. And not expecting something perfect.
11. We are all under construction as the work progresses. Accept your spouse as long as you work on it too.
12. Intimacy is the only thing that separates your marriage from other relationships you may have had. Cultivate it.
13. In a good marriage you need two people who are still learning about life and each other.
14. Sometimes in a marriage you need to bend over and tie your spouse’s shoelaces if he or she is unable to do so.
15. Expect severe storms during marriage. You may question your love for your spouse and feel lonely at times.
16. But in a good marriage there are two partners who work together through hard times and see the light on a new and better day.
17. A good partnership is simple, really. It just feels easy – most of the time.
18. If your spouse feels he or she can lock you in or hug you, it’s not love. It’s toxic control.
19. Love is sometimes letting your spouse rest and feel lazy. We can’t be at our best 24/7.
20. And the little gestures you do or don’t do every day eventually add up.
21. Doing these small gestures can lead to big changes on behalf of the marriage.