9 small acts that mean more to men than ” I Love You “
Men often appreciate love via actions than just expressions. So here we provide you with 11 such ways to make your partner feel loved and special.

1. Understand him
Try to make genuine efforts to understand him. Men and women are different in many aspects. Therefore, its needs some efforts by both of them to understand about each other.
2. Let him be
If your boy wants to spend some time alone then, allow him. Space is essential for giving a boost to any relationship and a girl who understands that, will be loved by her man forever. Also, this would even trigger your absence in his mind.
3. Don’t extend a fight
If a woman extends a fight for several hours together, it becomes a huge headache for a man. In fact, you should point out things that you don’t like because this will make him much more understanding and better in his approach next time.
4. Wait for him
Nothing is lovelier than a woman waiting for her man to return home, or on a date, in spite of him being late. He might feel bad once he comes in, but he will surely love you so much more just for the fact that you waited for him to come back.
5. Make his favorite food
There’s a fact that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. If you can cook his favorite food items and cheer him up, you will always have a special place in his heart.
6. Don’t behave suspiciously
When a girl behaves suspiciously, cross-questioning every statement he makes, it can be quite irritating for him. Instead, he would prefer her to talk straight and sort out the issue with him. Guys don’t like to be raised fingers at. It means an insult to their love and honesty for their girl.
7. Stop assuming things
If you assumes things about your boyfriend, it is sure to piss him off. Guys would really prefer being asked a question, rather than, you assuming silly things and generating a fight for no reason.
8. Respect him
Men all love to be respected. So, try your best to treat him like he really matters in your life. Thank him often that he made you feel worthy of your presence in his life.
9. Love him for what he is
If you love your man as he is, he is sure to love you even more. If you don’t try to change him for the better, he would really appreciate that. Loving the guy, as he is, for what he is, gives his girlfriend hundreds of brownie points over just the three words of “I love you”.