Home Jokes A blonde gets a job as a physical education teacher of 16...

A blonde gets a job as a physical education teacher of 16 year olds

A blonde gets a job as a physical education teacher of 16 year olds.

She notices a boy at the end of the field standing alone, while all the other kids are running around having fun kicking a ball.

She takes pity on him and decides to speak to him.

“You ok?’ she says.

‘Yes.’ he says. You can go and play with the other kids you know’ she says.

‘It’s best I stay here.’ he says.

‘Why’s that sweetie?’ says the blonde.

The boy looks at her incredulously and says, “Because I’m the Goalie !”

A blonde was taking helicopter lessons.

The instructor said, “I’ll radio you every 1000 feet to see how you’re doing.”

At 1000 feet, the instructor radioed her and said she was doing great.

At 2000 feet, he said she was still doing well.

Just before the helicopter reached 3000 feet, the propeller stopped, and she twirled to the ground.

The instructor ran to where she crash-landed and pulled her out of the helicopter. “What went wrong?”

The blonde said, “At 2500 feet, I started to get cold, so I turned the big fan off.”