A man who loves you more than you love him will have no hesitation to do these things
Even with all of our modern advancements and so much information at our fingertips, trying to figure out if a guy loves you or not can be tricky.
However, there are some acts that show a guy loves you more than you love him, and we’ll get into them today!

1. He tells he loves you daily
A man who is truly loves his woman would seek every opportunity to let his woman know. He would tell his woman he loves her daily and sometimes he would do this several times in a day.
2. He treats you like a queen
A man in love acts like a perfect gentleman and always treats his woman like a lady. He opens the door for her, gives her his coat when she’s cold, hold her hands while crossing a street and things like that.
3. He is faithful
He knows how chEating can damage trust and he wouldn’t want to damage the trust his lady has for him.
4. He is patient with you
He understands his woman might make mistakes sometimes. He won’t scream at her when her food is bad but would eat it without complaint. That is what love can do.
5. He sees you as the most beautiful woman
A man who is truly in love knows only one woman who is extremely beautiful and that is his woman. He sees his woman as beautiful whether she has her makeup on or not.
6. He encourages you to be the best
He would never suppress the talents of the woman in his life. He would be her biggest cheerleader and encourage her to chase her dreams.
7. He brags about you
He always seeks opportunities to brag about the woman in his life. He is happy to let everyone know that he has the best woman any man can wish for.
8. He cares for you
A man who isn’t willing to meet the needs of his woman can’t claim to be in love with her. A man who is in love will buy his woman gifts regularly (not just on her birthday). A man who is in love enjoys spoiling his woman with gifts.
9. He loves seeing you happy
A man who is in love always wants to see his woman happy. He hates to see her sad and tries to avoid doing things that would hurt his woman.