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A teacher shares a story to other parents about a child’s Mom who writes a motivational quotes on her son’s pencils.

A teacher shares a story to other parents about a child’s Mom who writes a motivational quotes on her son’s pencils.

In order for them to build their self-confidence and learn how to love themselves from early age, children need to be supported and praised for all their efforts and hard work.

One day, a teacher named Amanda Cox forgot to bring her pencils. She asked someone in her class to allow her to borrow one.

Suddenly, a boy lend her some pencils and told her to return them after their class.

When the teacher noticed an inspiring messages written in the pencils, she shared this very heart lifting story happened in her classroom.

source: Facebook — Amanda Cox

Amanda thanked him and promised to give them back. But it wasn’t until she tried to sharpen one that she realized why those pencils were so important to her student.

Amanda took a closer look at the pencils and noticed something written in red pen. 

“You are a very talented person.” and the other messages were, “You are very phenomenal.” and “You ate very creative.”

She took another pen and read a message that says, “This year will be a great year.” it was a very inspiring messages when she took a closer look at the pencils. Amanda realized those were inspiring personal messages.

Image for illustration purpose only. Source: Pikrepo

Amanda approached the boy and asked if he could show her the rest of his pencils. 

And just as she assumed, each and every one of them had a different message written on it. This teacher’s heart melted.

She was very happy to see how this student’s mother took the time to do something so special for her son.

“Thanks to his mom, he was reminded of his self worth and wanted to share the same feeling with his classmates,” Amanda said.

Source: boreddaddy.com

It was obvious that his mother’s encouraging messages meant a lot to the boy because they reminded him how special he was and how great things would be for him in the future.

After Amanda shared the story along with the photos of the pencils on her Facebook page, it caught the attention of thousands of people who agreed the mother was doing parenting right.

Source: Facebook – Amanda Cox

More than 451, 000 uplifting comments about how they love the idea of the of the boy’s mother.

We must always put in our hearts and minds that every children need to be encouraged and motivated every day in order for them to enhance their capabilities.

If you are amazed by this story, don’t forget to share it with your friends.