Home Life Bride Refuses To Let Stepkids Attend Wedding Because They Were Still Grieving...

Bride Refuses To Let Stepkids Attend Wedding Because They Were Still Grieving Mom’s D.e.a.t.h | She Passed Away Only A Year Ago

You can’t bring your grieving children to the wedding! I don’t care if they’re my future step-children!

Relationships with stepmothers are often complicated.

While it’s nice to have a good relationship with them, it won’t happen if they themselves aren’t willing to understand and empathize with you and your situation.

The OP took to Reddit to describe the story of a woman who became the stepmother of OP’s cousins after her aunt passed away.

The woman started the post by saying that her aunt had left behind three young girls. She said that about eight months after her disappearance, her aunt’s husband was engaged to a “perfect” woman who seemed good to her cousin.

“So a few years ago, my aunt d.i.e.d leaving behind 3 girls (5-7) and her ex husband. About 8 months later, my uncle was engaged to a woman that everyone thought was perfect. She was pretty good with my cousins, she was nice to my family, she was good for my uncle it seemed.

Well when they started planning the wedding, ESM (e.v.i.l step mother) said that the wedding could only be on 1 date: the 1 year anniversary of my aunt’s d.e.a.t.h. This devestated the girls of course and I’m sure it bothered my uncle too. But it HAD to be on this day because it was the ONLY day ESM’s mom could get off work to come to the wedding. Yes, a random ass Tuesday was the only day that this wedding could happen. Riiight.

Everyone in the family tried to discourage it for the sake of the kids until ESM turned bridezilla and threatened to univite my uncle’s side of the family entirely. She dug her heels in and insisted that the wedding would be all white, including her dress even though she was married twice and had 2 kids from the previous marriages. Nothing wrong with that but she shamed my mom for having been divorced once (ESM cheated in her marriages, my mom escaped an abusive situation, huge difference) She had to get married in the St. Louis cathedral (a pretty big and famous church in La. Its a big deal to get married there) ESM blew the budget big time (according to my mom)

Ok moving on. So since we were all still grieving, especailly the girls, we weren’t all too excited for the wedding, the parties, the shower, etc. And ESM took this very personally. I wouldn’t blame her if half the family wasn’t happy about a marriage but what she did was unforgivable. She univited my uncle’s daughters from the wedding. 5, 6, and 7 year old grieving little girls were left at home with a baby sitter while their father married the biggest mistake on the planet. This was not a childfree wedding by any means. Her kids were there, my brother and I were there, there were plenty of kids.

To this day, even now that the oldest is 17, they all hate each other (the girls hate ESM and she hates them for NOT CALLING HER MOM)

Reddit users who read the story sympathized with the girl and called their father an enabler.

Source: Source:daily.lessonslearnedinlife.com, reddit.com