If you are over 50 and find a natural drink to wash your fatty liver, detox your colon, reduce joint pain, and relieve abdominal inflammation, then this powerful green smoothie is for you.
- Pineapple
- Green apple
- Oranges
- Chayote
- Celery
- Water
Preparation Method:
1️⃣ First, use the peel of half a pineapple, slice into small pieces.
2️⃣ One green apple, cut up into small pieces.
3️⃣ Juice of two oranges, freshly crushed into a container.
4️⃣ Half a chayote, peeled and cut up into small pieces.
5️⃣ One stalk of celery.
6️⃣ Put all ingredients into a blender.
7️⃣ Add two glasses of water.
8️⃣ Mix well for a few seconds.
9️⃣ Purify the mixture and serve in a glass.
How to Consume:
- Drink one glass every morning before breakfast for 15 consecutive days, and you will notice how this smoothie helps cleanse your fatty liver, detox your colon, relieve joint pain, and reduce abdominal inflammation. 🍍🍏🥤✨