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Guys, If You Don’t Want To Get In Huge Trouble, Be A Little Attentive And Stop Yourself From Saying These Things To Your Woman

Being in love is the most beautiful thing ever! The times spent, the many things done together from cooking to skiing to washing the dirty dishes, the beautiful things said to each other that you both keep remembering and feeling great about each other BUT you never ever these things to your woman if you want to survive with a loving relationship with her! 🙂

1. My ex used to like this

yes! This is one of the vital among ‘Things Not Say To Girlfriend’ list. Alright, so what makes you think she is at any point interested in knowing what your ex used to like? Moreover, it makes her feel like she is just a rebound.

2. “B*tch”

The B word is like the N word: Unless you’ve been appropriately oppressed, you don’t get to use it. You might be able to pull off an ironic Snoop Dogg-style “beeeyatch,” so long as you’re smiling as you say it. But to say “b*tch” with any kind of intent is to pull the pin out of a grenade.

3. “You always do that”

One sure way to escalate a minor tiff into a nuclear showdown is to use words like “never” and “always.” They’re too sweeping to be true, so you’ll not only upset her, but also give her the opportunity to prove you wrong and seize the higher ground. And it tends to drag every other argument you’ve had into your present one, which is like rehashing all the worst parts of your relationship all at once.

4. That dress makes you look fat

HOW COULD YOU? Every guy in this world knows that telling your girlfriend that she looks fat is a huge mistake. No matter how strong your relationship is, you are not allowed to say that.

5. I forgot to see your messages.

Really? If you actually forgot to see her texts, you’re not supposed to tell her like this. Also, you can’t simply ignore your girlfriend’s messages at all.

6. I am going to have wild fun at the party tonight

Why would you tell your girlfriend about any of your plans at a party? Either you want her to be upset or you want her to go with you because my friend, nothing else happens in such cases.

7. His girlfriend is so cool

His girlfriend is cool and what about your’s? You think she is a vicious bitch who has been dominating you. If not, then don’t ever say that someone else’s girlfriend is cool or just add ‘like you’ in the end.

8. “You have changed a lot from what you used to be”

What this question means to her?- “You aren’t that cool any more and you have turned into a sad, boring person.”

9. “My mom says…”

Sigh. Look, feel free to bust this one out if you want to immediately emasculate yourself. At best, you end up sounding like you’re comparing her to your mother, and that is not a hornet’s nest you want to poke at. At worst, you end up sounding creepy as hell, and believe it or not, no woman wants to get down at the Bates Motel with Norman and his Skeletor mother. You’ll probably end up striking a tone somewhere sadly in the middle of those two sour notes, and she’ll think you’re an immature momma’s boy who still drops off his laundry on weekends. Women love a dude who has the proper respect for his mother, they just don’t want to hear about it, okay?