Home Tricks-Tips How and When to Prune a Christmas Cactus

How and When to Prune a Christmas Cactus

When you purchase your Christmas Cactus plant at the start of this holiday season, keep in mind that you have to take care of it well.

Without proper care for its first few months and even years after that initial purchase–the blooms will never appear on what seems like such a beautiful cacti!

Cultivation Requirements of Christmas Cactus

One of the most important requirements for Christmas Cactus to bloom is a period of time when it receives 12-14 hours complete darkness every day.

The best thing you can do for your plant is stop watering it and keep its temperature cool for about one month.

Pruning is an essential cultivation requirement that, if not done properly can inhibit or even prevent flowers from forming the following year.

Pruning Christmas Cactus

Christmas Cactus is a unique type of plant that has no standard stem and leaf system. Instead, the flower’s petals are attached together at their base with short segments called “leaflets.” To maintain this cacti’s shape without harming them too much during winter months it’s important to prune these types of plants regularly so they don’t grow into an unwieldy size or lose their beautiful appearance.

Pruning this plant is important, and they should be pruned no later than one month after the flowering has passed. Cutting off between leaf segments will help you maintain an even shape and keep your plants healthy!

After the beautiful Christmas Cactus blooms, it enters its growth period where new foliage forms and pruning helps create a bushier plant by forcing outwards rather than upwards.

Use a sharp, sterile pruning knife or clippers

The pruning knife you use should be very sharp and sterilized in order to prevent tearing delicate plant tissues. It’s important that your hands are clean, too! These precautions help protect against spreading disease when working with plants or their flowers.

Prune at the gap between segments

Always prune your Christmas Cactus at the gap between leaf segments. These are often considered its weakest point, so it’s important not only for aesthetic purposes but also in order to maintain its health!

Some gardeners prefer using scissors or even just their hands when removing these sections while others find that knives work best- whichever technique you choose is up to personal preference.

We don’t advise pruning more than 1/3 of the existing leaves from your Christmas cactus plant. If you’ve just bought your Christmas Cactus, be sure to prune it back at least one-third of the way. Each stem should be approximately the same length.

Pruning your Christmas Cactus is an excellent opportunity for you to thoroughly inspect the plant and ensure there are no pests or pathogens present so that it does not get damaged.

Use cutting for more plants

You don’t want to leave your plant’s cuttings sitting in a pot, as they will quickly become attractive to pests and pathogens. Instead of tossing them away or putting into compost, consider using the trimmed pieces as material for more plants!

All you need to do is let cuttings sit in a cool, dry place for few days before placing them with potting soil and watering sparingly. Your new plants should develop roots after about 2 weeks!