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How To Quickly Remove Uric Acid Crystallization From Your Body To Prevent Gout And Joint Pain

How To Quickly Remove Uric Acid Crystallization From Your Body To Prevent Gout And Joint Pain

Gout is a painful condition that can lead to joint damage and kidney problems. Gout crystals are the underlying cause of gout flare-ups.

Gout crystals form when there is too much uric acid in your bloodstream. The uric acid crystallizes between your joints. This leads to inflammation, swelling, and pain. Breaking down gout crystals and reducing the amount of uric acid in your body can help treat gout flare-ups. These steps can also help prevent future flare-ups from occurring.

Normally, your body gets rid of extra uric acid through your kidneys or digestive system. But when there is too much uric acid in your bloodstream, it can build up and form tiny crystals in the spaces between your joints. Crystal buildup can lead to inflammation and a painful condition called gout.

But, there are things you can do to remove uric acid yourself and improve your health condition. Change your lifestyle and diet- that’s the first thing to do. Next, you need to have proper healthy diet, rich in fresh colorful fruits and vegetables; lean meat and seafood, and whole unprocessed unenriched grains. You should reduce processed sugars such as high- fructose corn syrup, foods high in saturated fats, and alcohol.

Drink lots of water because it keeps the body hydrated and helps to eliminate toxins and the overload of uric acid. You can keep your body hydrated with water, natural juices (no added sugar); fruit infused water, and herbal teas (you can use honey to sweeten). If possible (and you must) reduce stress with easy physical routines or activities.

Here are some natural tonics in the case of gout:

• Baking soda seems to be an effective prophylaxis candidate for reducing uric acid in the body. Add half a teaspoon to one glass of water and drink it every day. Use whole teaspoon in case of a current gout attack,

• Lemon water can also help. When the body has more alkaline than acidic, the system is able to prevent numerous health conditions, and one of them is gout. The lemon water increases the alkalinity of the body, and prevents formation of uric acid crystals. Squeeze half of a lemon into 200 ml of warm water and drink it every morning on an empty stomach.

• Apple cider vinegar just like lemon increases body alkalinity. Its malic acid is effective in the disintegration of uric acid in discarding it from the body. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 200 ml of water and drink it every day, before lunch and dinner.

These are the best foods to eat in order to prevent or treat gout:

• Curcumin-found in turmeric, has a role in renal protection and is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

• Bromelain-found in pineapples, has anti-inflammatory properties and provides analgesic effects.

• Flaxseed-thanks to its incredible beneficial properties, can reduce serum uric acid of subjects.

Source:awesomequotes4u.com, healthline.com