Home Funny If your man has female friends, let him do these things

If your man has female friends, let him do these things

If your man has female friends, let him do these things

1. Let him hang out with them while you’re present.

Letting your boyfriend hang out with female friends alone is very different from letting him hang out with you as a group. Hanging out one-on-one is an easy way for men to cheat. Hanging out with you all as a group offers up great bonding time.

By being present, you show that you still trust him but that you want to be a part of the group. That’s a good look.

2. Let him talk to them online and via phone.

Although this may be a little more risky in the eyes of some, the truth is that it’s also a healthy behavior. Girls aren’t the only ones who need to be able to text friends updates and gossip once in a while. Guys need that, too!

A little chatting generally won’t hurt your relationship unless his chats start overtaking your relationship. You never know–you might find out some juicy details about his friends from him by giving him this freedom.

3. Let him help with her career

Friendships are all about lifting each other up and helping one another. If your partner is able to help a friend improve their career, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t let him do that. It’s a professional matter, not one involving s__ex. Let it be.

4. Listen to their relationship problems

Just because a woman airs out her relationship (or breakup) issues to your guy,= doesn’t mean she’s trying to get him to feel so sorry for her that he sleeps with her. She probably just wants a male perspective.