Home Tricks-Tips Keep cockroaches away by either doing any of these two methods

Keep cockroaches away by either doing any of these two methods

Have you ever come across those creepy crawling cockroaches in your kitchen, just after a few hours of cooking a meal. There’s nothing more disgusting than finding these creepy cockroaches running around the kitchen, but have you ever thought, how these cockroaches find their way to your kitchen despite cleaning the kitchen everyday?

Well, this might freak you out, but even after cleaning or wiping the kitchen with water everyday, these cockroaches can breed under the sink, drains and corners of cabinets or below the slabs, but cleaning the kitchen with the right ingredients can keep these at bay.

Not only are these cockroaches disgusting but they can also be harmful for health and lead to several diseases and cause food poisoning.

Most times, you may have used all sort of insecticides and you are beginning to get tired to spending every now and then. Most insecticides are not often cheap.

So, to keep them away by spending less, you can either do any of these two methods

1. Method 1

Get Cucumber— Slice them and place them in areas where you see or feel Cockroaches reside in your kitchen or anywhere in your room. Cockroaches run away from cucumbers and will never come close.

2. Method 2

Get sugar, mix it with a lot of baking soda and pour in the areas where you think they gather most. Mostly at corners.

When you do any of these, you will never find any cockroach in your house and kitchen for a long time.

I believe this will be helpful to someone here.