Home Tricks-Tips Put Banana Peels in Plastic Bottles and Your Life Will Change

Put Banana Peels in Plastic Bottles and Your Life Will Change

At first glance, the idea of putting banana peels in plastic bottles may seem odd, but this simple practice can bring about significant changes in your daily life. This method is an innovative way to utilize kitchen waste, offering environmental, gardening, and even health benefits. Here’s how this unusual practice can be a game-changer.

1. Natural Fertilizer:

Banana peels are rich in potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, essential nutrients for plant growth. By placing banana peels in plastic bottles and adding water, you create a natural liquid fertilizer.

Method: Fill a plastic bottle with water and add banana peels. Let it sit for a week, then use the water to fertilize your plants.
Benefits: This eco-friendly fertilizer promotes healthy growth in plants and is an excellent way to recycle both plastic bottles and banana peels.

2. Pest Repellent:

The natural properties of banana can deter certain pests in the garden.

Method: Bury plastic bottles with banana peels near plants prone to aphid infestations.

Benefits: The scent of bananas can repel aphids, protecting your plants naturally without harmful chemicals.

3. Composting Accelerator:

Banana peels can accelerate the composting process.

Method: Place banana peels in a plastic bottle, add a little water, and make some holes in the bottle. Bury it in your compost pile.
Benefits: As the banana peels decompose, they enhance the composting process, adding valuable nutrients to your compost.

4. DIY Fruit Fly Trap:

Banana peels can be used to make an effective fruit fly trap.

Method: Put banana peels in a plastic bottle with a small opening. Fruit flies attracted to the scent will enter the bottle and get trapped.
Benefits: This is a natural way to get rid of fruit flies without using insecticides.

5. Water Conservation:

This method can also help in water conservation.

Method: Use the banana peel-infused water for plants.
Benefits: It reduces the need for additional water and fertilizer, conserving resources.

6. Educational Tool:

For families, this can be a great way to educate children about recycling and gardening.

Method: Involve children in preparing the banana peel bottles and using them.

Benefits: It teaches children about sustainable practices and the importance of recycling.


Placing banana peels in plastic bottles is a simple yet innovative way to make the most out of everyday waste. This practice not only benefits your garden but also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle. It’s a small change that can have a significant impact, reducing waste, saving resources, and providing an eco-friendly solution to common gardening challenges. So, the next time you enjoy a banana, think twice before throwing away the peel or the plastic bottle – they could be just what you need for a healthier garden and a more sustainable home.