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That’s why so many are drawing a chalk line behind the front door

Today we discover together why more and more people draw a line with chalk behind the door. The reason will surprise you, here’s why you should do it too.

Chalk in front of the door

Summer is officially here and the fine days have taken over. The sun has returned to shine, the African heat has not been slow to make itself felt. In these weather conditions, nature is reborn stronger than ever.

We feel better too, full of life and the desire to experience new things, as if we too were reborn together with nature. Everything regains colour and life, flora and fauna reawaken. Here too, however, as in every other situation in life, there are two sides to the same coin.

The joy and beauty of summer are marred by a few minor annoyances: the excessive heat that becomes almost suffocating, the sweat that accompanies us all day long, and the invasion of dozens and dozens of different insects into our homes.

Flies everywhere, mosquitoes pestering us with itchy bites and, above all, the unstoppable creep of ants into our home. Ants are not an easy problem to solve. We can, however, prevent their appearance without the need to kill them. Here’s how.

Ants in the home: a nuisance to be prevented

With the summer season also comes the invasion of more or less harmless little animals. Although harmless, ants in the home can be a problem. They are very quick and intelligent, taking very little time to invade our spaces. They manage to creep into the cavities of houses and buildings, even infesting the highest floors.

Ants enter our homes for several reasons, first and foremost the search for food, water and shelter. They are small animals attracted to liquids and sugary foods, including syrup, fruit, honey and sugar. We also attract them when we leave food residues lying around.

Ants in the house, how to avoid their occurrence

What we can do is try not to leave crumbs or food residues around the house. If that is not enough, we have to act differently. The first thought certainly goes to insecticides. Insecticides are chemical and toxic products, not exactly ideal if pets or small children live with us.

Coming into contact with this substance could be dangerous. The absolute best method to avoid this problem is prevention. Here is the most unexpected yet effective way.

The chalk line method behind the door

As already mentioned, the best way to avoid this discomfort is prevention. Preventing their appearance is the secret, and today we reveal how to do it without spending a single euro on commercial products. Thanks to this method, we save money and protect the environment and the air we breathe.

All it takes is some chalk and that’s it. Not everyone knows this, but drawing a big line on the floor with chalk means creating an insurmountable obstacle for ants and other small, wingless insects.

Ants in the house, avoid their appearance with a chalk line

When they encounter the line drawn with chalk they remain stuck in its presence, unable to cross it. They create a real wall against which they can do nothing. Consequently, if we draw lines with chalk at strategic points in the house, we can be sure that no ants will enter from there. An alternative, simple and environmentally friendly method. Worth a try!