Home Health Those are the Signs Parasites are Residing In Your Body!

Those are the Signs Parasites are Residing In Your Body!

Those are the Signs Parasites are Residing In Your Body!

Parasitic infections have become quite common, but fortunately there are many natural ways to get rid of them. The first thing to do in these cases is to strengthen your immune system using certain herbs, before treating your parasite problem.

These are the signs that parasites are residing in your body!

How do you know if you have Parasites?

There are many symptoms, and here is a list of the most common ones:

  • Constant yeast infections, such as Candida
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches
  • Unexplained hunger
  • Constant fatigue
  • Mood swings, depression, restlessness, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and irritability
  • Bleeding gums
  • Constant cravings for sugars and processed foods
  • Food sensitivities and allergies
  • Iron deficiency or anemia
  • Skin problems such as acne, lesions, hives, rashes, sores, ulcers, itchy dermatitis, weeping eczema, and others
  • Agitation and nervousness
  • Issues with breathing
  • Drooling during sleep and teeth grinding
  • Memory issues
  • Menstrual issues with women/reproductive disorders with men
  • Stiff and sore joints
  • The presence of glasses everywhere, particularly around the nose, mouth and anus
  • Consistent digestive problems

But there is a way to clear yourself of such problems. These herbs and foods are the best way to do it naturally.

Fresh garlic

Garlic is already famous for being a powerful natural antibiotic. It kills more than sixty types of fungi and twenty types of bacteria. And even some of the most infamous viruses.

It is also a potent killer of parasites and is used to control secondary fungal infections. It has powerful antioxidant properties and can prevent oxidation, which is the result of parasitic toxins.

The active compounds in garlic, called ajolene and allicin are great for killing amoebas and parasites, and this includes hookworms, roundworms, and one-celled varieties.

But to get at allicin, you have to cut or “damage” the garlic, or even take it in oil form.


These are herbs with potential germicidal capabilities. The caryophyllene is to thank for their antimicrobial properties. What they do is enter the bloodstream and destroy not only microscopic parasites
but also any larvae and eggs.

Cloves are excellent for treating malaria, cholera, scabies, tuberculosis, as well as any parasites or fungi such as Candida, and even all types of Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and Shigella.


Gives your circulation a boost and aids in digestion. It is also beneficial for treating nausea and gas. Its role in improving the acid production of your stomach helps kill parasites and prevent any infections.

Fresh ginger is best for getting rid of mucus, and the ground variety for any digestion problems.

Cucumber Seeds

Did you know that these seeds do wonders for removing any tapeworms from your digestive tract?

This is all thanks to the beneficial enzymes they contain. To get a quick cleanse, what you do is grind some cucumber seeds into powder form and add a teaspoon to any healthy daily drink of your choice!

Pumpkin Seeds (Raw)

They are toxic to parasite eggs because of the natural fat they contain. In addition, the Curcurbitine in them has potent anti-parasitic abilities. What it does is paralyze the worms so that they drop off the intestinal walls.

In fact, these seeds have been, and are still used today in Chinese healing culture to treat tapeworm infestations. Grind half a cup of these miracle seeds and add the powder to any salad or smoothie of your choice.


During your parasite cleanse using these herbs, it is also very important that you consume probiotics such as kefir, raw yogurt, and sauerkraut. This is to ensure that your good bacteria are not completely depleted from the parasite-destroying herbs.


While we advise you to stay away from any tropical fruits due to their high sugar content during your parasite cleanse, papaya is an exception as it kills not only tapeworms, but basically any other parasites in your body.

Its seeds are its secret weapon, and according to research done by the University of Maryland Medical Center, combining them with organic honey cleanses parasite feces.

Another good recipe is to take the ground seeds of a medium-sized papaya, add a cup of coconut milk and a tablespoon of organic coconut oil, then add the rest of the papaya and blend all the ingredients in a blender.

You should drink this mixture every day for a week.


It had to come up sometime. This multipurpose miracle spice is also anti-parasitic, as well as being anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. For best absorption, it should be mixed with a little pepper and coconut oil.

Black Walnut Green Hulls

The green hulls of walnuts in their dried and ground form are rich in tannin (an organic iodine) and juglandin.

Our ancestors used them long ago to naturally rid their bodies of parasites, including the roundworm that causes skin irritation. They are effective oxygenators of the blood, and this is what kills any parasites.

In addition, they also help your body detoxify itself and lower any high blood sugar levels.


This special herb has potent anti-fungal properties. It can quickly kill any mold, fungus and parasites, as well as give your health and circulation a boost. It is also an excellent enhancer to any other herb you use.

African cayenne is the best way to go. Sprouted pumpkin seeds, cayenne, and ginger are a miracle combination against intestinal bugs.

It is also strongly advised to get a good night’s sleep to give your body a chance to repair its immunity. Also, drink plenty of water every day and do more activities that promote relaxation and increase your energy. Stay healthy!
