Home Tricks-Tips Why You Need Eggshells to Grow Your Tomatoes

Why You Need Eggshells to Grow Your Tomatoes

When it comes to one of the easiest, simplest and most cost effective ways to help power your tomato plants and keep them healthy, it’s hard to beat the benefits of planting egg shells with your plants!

We have been planting crushed egg shells along with our tomato plants for a little over 10 years now. One thing is for sure, it is truly amazing just how effective it has been in helping to keep our tomato crops healthy, strong and productive.

Here’s why incorporating eggshells into your tomato cultivation can lead to healthier plants and a more bountiful harvest.

1. Calcium Boost:

Eggshells are rich in calcium, a vital nutrient for plants, particularly tomatoes. Calcium plays a crucial role in the growth of all plants, helping develop strong cellular structure. For tomatoes, it prevents blossom end rot, a common issue that causes blackened, sunken spots on the fruit’s bottom.

2. Soil pH Balance:

Tomatoes thrive in slightly acidic to neutral soil. Eggshells, being alkaline, can help balance the pH levels of your garden soil. By crushing and sprinkling eggshells around your tomatoes, you can maintain optimal soil conditions for their growth.

3. Natural Pest Deterrent:

The sharp edges of crushed eggshells act as a deterrent for soft-bodied pests like slugs and snails, which are known to feast on tomato plants. Sprinkling crushed eggshells around the base of your tomato plants can help keep these pests at bay without the use of harmful chemicals.

4. Improved Drainage:

Adding crushed eggshells to the planting hole or mixing them into the soil can improve soil drainage. This is particularly beneficial for tomato plants, which require well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging and root diseases.

5. Nutrient Release:

As eggshells decompose, they release nutrients slowly into the soil, providing a long-term supply of calcium. This gradual nutrient release helps to nourish your tomato plants throughout the growing season.

6. Eco-Friendly Gardening:

Using eggshells in your garden is an excellent way to recycle kitchen waste, reducing landfill and providing a free, organic fertilizer for your plants. It’s a simple step towards more sustainable living.

Using Eggshells in Your Tomato Garden:

– Save Your Eggshells: After using eggs, rinse the shells and let them dry. Store them in a container until you have a good amount to use in the garden.

– Crush the Eggshells: Once you have collected enough, crush the eggshells into small pieces. You can use a mortar and pestle, a rolling pin, or simply crumble them with your hands.

– Incorporate into the Soil: When planting tomatoes, add a handful of crushed eggshells to the bottom of each planting hole. You can also sprinkle eggshells on the soil surface around your plants.

– Reapply as Needed: Throughout the growing season, you can add more crushed eggshells to the soil around your tomato plants to continue providing calcium and pest protection.

In conclusion, eggshells are a simple yet effective addition to your tomato-growing toolkit. They’re a natural way to provide your plants with essential nutrients, improve soil health, and deter pests, all contributing to a successful tomato crop. So, the next time you cook with eggs, think twice before throwing away the shells—they might just be the secret ingredient your tomatoes need.