Home Health Why you should stop staying up late

Why you should stop staying up late

People who have to work night shifts are more at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and becoming obese, according to medical scientists.

While there are people who like to go to bed early, there are those who stay up late doing unnecessary things just because they don’t feel sleepy. However, when they wake up in the morning, they feel tired and promise themselves to go to bed earlier. However, when the night comes, they again stay up late thinking that it won’t hurt them in the morning. Does it sound familiar?

Below is a list of 5 negative things staying up late does to your body.

1. It weakens the immune system.

Our sleep and wake cycle affects our immune system. When this cycle is altered, our immune system suffers, too. Thus, if you often go to sleep late, you become less immune to various illnesses as your organism becomes unable to fight against them without the help of medication.

2. It’s bad for brain health.

Scientists have found out that people who go to sleep very late are more likely to become depressed and have impaired brain functions rather than those who go to sleep earlier.

3. Our eating habits tend to suck.

It is no surprise that people who go to sleep late eat quite a lot during nighttime when they actually should be sleeping. These irregularities in your eating habits can lead to obesity, weight gain and even diabetes.

4. It negatively alters melatonin production.

Your body produces less melatonin if you like to stay up late. This not only doesn’t let you fall asleep, but also disrupts your body sleeping and waking cycle and it can also cause hormonal imbalances.

5. It increases the risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Those who stay up late are more likely to develop diabetes rather than people who go to sleep earlier. In addition, they can be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome due to too much time spent in artificial light and eating junk food at night.