Home Tricks-Tips Should the washing machine door remain open? The common mistake that can...

Should the washing machine door remain open? The common mistake that can cost you dearly

If you leave the washing machine door open after washing, this is not an annoying habit, but an important step to avoid unpleasant surprises and expensive repairs. Here are the reasons why the washing machine door should be left open:

Avoiding mold and odors:

Leaving the door open after washing allows for better ventilation and drying of the inside of the washing machine. Moisture that remains inside after washing can lead to mold growth and cause unpleasant odors. Leaving the door open will minimize the formation of mold and odors.

Drying of seals and drum:

The rubber seals and drum of the washing machine can be damaged by prolonged contact with moisture. By leaving the door open, you allow these pieces to dry completely. This will help extend the life of the washing machine and avoid expensive repairs.

Prevention of rust formation:

Metal parts in the washing machine, such as drum attachments and springs, can become susceptible to rust when exposed to constant moisture. Leaving the door open minimizes the formation of rust, improving the functionality of the machine.

Air circulation for the detergent drawer:

The detergent drawer may remain damp after the wash cycle. By leaving the door open, you allow for better air circulation, which helps ensure the detergent drawer dries and doesn’t leave any wet residue behind.

Tips for leaving the door open:

Leave the door open for a few hours after each wash cycle.

Pull out the detergent drawer to allow for better drying there too.

Regularly clean the seals and other parts of the washing machine to remove deposits.Leaving the washing machine door open is a simple but crucial measure to maintain the hygiene, lifespan and efficiency of your washing machine.

By incorporating this habit into your laundry routine, you can avoid expensive repairs and unpleasant odors while optimizing your washing machine’s performance.