Here are 5 reasons why your ex is still reaching out to you

Some exes don’t usually leave easily. It’s almost as if they don’t understand what the end of the relationship means. So they continue to text you and reach out in other ways as if everything is still as it used to be, as if this breakup never happened.
We’ve explained here all the struggles you feel when you have an ex like this, but if you’re nevertheless wondering why they still reach out to you, here are five possible reasons.
1. They don’t know how to move on
For some people, moving on is not an easy concept to grasp. Either that or they try hard to pretend as if the breakup didn’t happen.
You will have to be firm in letting this type of ex know that you meant it when you said you were no longer interested in the relationship with him or her.
2. You’ve found someone else
On other occasions, exes will send you a text when they hear or see on your social media page that you have someone else. Depending on how the relationship ended, they may do this to congratulate you or to…
3. They just want to annoy you
Yes. Some exes are indeed petty like that. He or she might call, text, or drop a message on your social media timeline to say something silly about what your new partner looks like or something equally annoying.
4. Looking for a second chance
Other times, an ex could just be texting you to come back. The texts might come from him or her if he or she realizes that they could have done better when they had you, and now wish for another chance to make things right and treat you right.
5. They are lonely
He or she might just be feeling lonely and miserable.
An ex could just be horny and decide to check if he or she would be down for a reenactment of the great sex they used to have when they were a couple.